What’s the average IQ of US citizens? Well, the average US adult has an average IQ of about 98, which lands him in the bottom 10 percentile for all intelligence levels, landing at 24th in the World’s intellectual power rankings. It is important to remember that IQ scores are not absolute standards and can be affected by many factors that are not directly related to intelligence.
There are two main IQ tests used as basis for the study of intelligence. The first of these is the Raven’s Progressive Matrices, and the second is the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale I. Both these tests have their own strengths and weaknesses.
If you’re interested in the specifics of these two cognitive ability tests, please see my other articles. But for now, just know that both of them offer a very general basis for measuring a person’s intelligence, with each of these tests offering a range of IQ scores within it’s framework. Each one of these tests is commonly referred to as an intelligence test, but in reality they do not measure the same intelligence level.
A common misconception of IQ tests is that they only measure one part of the brain – the “neocortex.” This is false. It’s important to note that each test has its own way of scoring intelligence tests, and there are differences between them. They measure different things in different ways.
For example, a simple test like the Raven’s Progressive Matrices is able to measure many brain functions, including language processing, visual memory, motor function, processing speed, and more. In addition, there are specific parts of the brain that may be tested during a test, and those areas of the brain may be affected differently from others.
The reason why most people use the whole intelligence test as a basis for measuring their intelligence, rather than the two main tests mentioned above is because it allows for a much greater range of intelligence. This ranges from scores ranging anywhere from under average, to extremely high. While these scores can be accurate, they are not accurate enough to use as a true “census” of intelligence for purposes of this article.
Because the tests we use to measure IQ aren’t accurate enough to actually be able to determine if the scores being given are accurate or not, many researchers use what’s called a factor analysis. to come up with what’s called an accurate IQ score. This is a mathematical equation that use all the scores and factors to arrive at a single number, instead of the scores being combined to get one number.
Basically, the formula combines all the numbers into one number, so that it takes into account the importance of the factors, and then averages them. By doing so, the study of Intelligence can be done accurately.
There are several factors used in determining IQ, but they can be broken down into a few categories: verbal, numeric, and spatial intelligence. Some of the other factors include non-verbal intelligence, which can be found by testing memory, reasoning, and problem solving skills, and personality intelligence.
Verbal intelligence is measured by answering questions and can range from an average score of 100. For extremely bright people to scores of 200. For people who have very poor speech and understanding skills. Numeric intelligence is measured through test scores on math and reading, and vocabulary skills, while spatial intelligence is measured through spatial reasoning and visual-spatial abilities such as being able to find your place in a room or recognizing shapes.
Non-verbal intelligence, or the verbal component, is measured through how well you can communicate. and understand what’s being said. It also includes a standard score of about 200. Finally, it also includes tests on memory and information processing, and basic social skills.
These are just some of the categories of the Intelligence Quotient, and they will vary between different studies. It’s important to remember that they’re not set in stone – each person has different strengths and weaknesses, and that these scores can vary according to their environment, their age, and the type of IQ test that they took.