
In 1987, Rosie Khandwala moved from Tanzania to the UK, and after discovering that sugar waxing didn’t exist in the UK she started manufacturing her own. Her son Noor grew up surrounded by sugar wax, “My mum would take my brother and I along to the factory for little jobs here and there, mainly to stop us from messing about!”

But in his early 20’s, Noor joined partially in a marketing position, and partially continuing to help his mum with manufacturing. “As a family business we have always made everything ourselves in house and since I joined the business that has been my mum and I.

We fill the batches, and chat away, covering anything from politics, to sport to family gossip (one of our favourite topics).” It’s not all sugar sweet though, as with any kind of manufacturing job there will always be some mess.

“Some of our best and funniest bonding moments have come after a disaster. Last year a batch of sugar wax spilled over the top, leaking on the factory floor. It’s times like this where we are thankful that our sugar wax is 100% natural because all it took was a hot water hose and some elbow grease to clean it up. We were done in a couple of hours, tired but laughing.”

“I’ve learned everything about sugar waxing from my mum, from manufacturing to application, and the best products to use for aftercare. I’m proud and lucky to have learnt about this industry and the products from her., and my job now is to make sure that her expertise doesn’t end with her and to harness what I have learnt and continue to evolve and adapt the brand as she has. That’s my passion for Sugar Coated going forward; to make sure my mum’s legacy and knowledge base is continued.

If I’m honest, for the first few years I would be a bit sheepish about telling people what I did. Now, I tell people proudly, and I’m even prouder to tell them I do it with my mum!”
