Recycler and yarn manufacturer to reduce lead times and expand market share with Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise
ISTANBUL, Turkey – June 30, 2022 – Infor, the industry cloud company, today announced that plastic recycler and yarn manufacturer GAMA Recycle Sustainable Technologies has selected Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise. The platform is expected to help accelerate value streams and reduce lead times, as well as help GAMA expand market share and increase transparency and productivity.
Learn more about Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise: www.infor.com/products/cloudsuite-industrial-enterprise
Established in Gaziantep, Turkey, in 1997, GAMA has grown to be the largest recycled-plastic yarn and fiber producer in the world. Recycling textile products and R-PET (polyethylene terephthalate) flakes, its production process is riskier, and more complex, than others that use virgin materials.
This complexity, combined with supply chain volatility following Brexit and the pandemic, led to the requirement for a modern ERP to support enhanced end-to-end collaboration across GAMA’s supply chain. Crucially, the ERP needed to streamline operations through reducing errors and operational failures, ensure quality consistency, and improve the customer experience.
Following a market evaluation, GAMA selected Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), based on its simplified and preconfigured business processes, developed in line with industry-specific experience and expertise. The multi-tenant cloud application will be deployed by Infor partner Enigma Business Solutions and is set to go live in October 2022.
“Increased demand for customized goods produced in a sustainable way has created a need for enhanced transparency across the whole supply chain,” comments Zafer Kaplan, President, GAMA. “In responding to the needs of a rapidly changing and dispersed market, it is important that we foster collaboration across the entire value chain, from suppliers to customers. In doing this, we can be agile in assessing and addressing market changes, and deliver the product and service quality our customers expect.
“Through leveraging the capabilities of Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise, we are able to connect all of our processes digitally, which allows us to work more sustainably and effectively, optimize our organizational structure, and improve our product and service delivery model.”
“Due to digital advancements and increasing consumer expectations in the market, our customers feel the need for more exceptional speed and adaptability in their business,” comments Reslen Eroğlu, Enigma Business Solutions Managing Partner. Building an organisation that can respond rapidly and appropriately to new challenges and opportunities requires the right strategy and, crucially, the right digital infrastructure that can flex and scale proportionately, to capitalise on new market demands, and instill a culture of resilience.”