Hawk’s customised survey tool illustrates value of pre-planning campaign insights and research studies
13% of Brits will not celebrate Valentine’s Day this year on account of the cost-of-living crisis while, of those people marking the occasion, 65% plan to reduce their spending.
This is a key finding of the latest consumer behaviour study undertaken by Hawk using its Hawk Surveys technology and illustrated in the attached infographic.
Hawk Surveys is an in-built research tool that enables the omnichannel advertising platform to provide customised research for clients. This includes bespoke projects on specific industries and brands to provide pre-planning campaign insight, as well as measurement to determine the impact of a campaign on metrics such as brand awareness, brand perception and the intent to make a purchase.
In addition, Hawk undertakes seasonal surveys with the tool. The current Valentine’s Day research also found that 55% of British people plan to spend £25 or less this year – although 6% say they will splash out more than £100. And, despite the current financial squeeze, 40% reported that their main criteria for gifts was quality, compared to 28% who said price was more important.
Flowers and chocolates are the most popular purchases, with 30% of people planning to buy these as presents. This was followed by dinner at a restaurant (21%), clothing (9%), perfume (8%), a weekend away (8%) and jewellery (6%).
The study was carried out between 21 December 2022 and 15 January 2023; the Hawk Surveys tool sent automated digital questionnaires to 910 British people.
Chris Childs, managing director at Hawk UK, says: “Part of our commitment to the brands with whom we work is to ensure their media activity is aligned with their core KPIs and objectives, as well as the wider external environment. We built Hawk Surveys to deliver vital insights around audience behaviour and to maximise ROI. The current Valentine’s Day study puts figures on how much the financial situation is beginning to bite and illustrates the value of integrating research with advertising campaigns.”
Hawk Surveys enables advertisers to measure the impact of their activity across mobile, audio and digital out-of-home (DOOH); comparing the results determines the contribution and the optimal weighting for each channel in cross-channel campaigns.
Hawk Surveys also complements Hawk’s footfall tracking technology In-Store Impact, which measures incremental store visits in real-time, again across mobile, audio and DOOH. Brands and retailers can optimise marketing spend across multiple channels as a result.
Building the survey technology into the DSP makes it readily available for all Hawk customers, whether they use the self-serve option or Hawk’s managed service. The integration also ensures results from the study feed directly into the platform and can be used for campaign optimisation.