Cognitive computing is a broad term that basically refers to technological platforms that, in general, are based on the fields of psychology and computer science. These platforms are capable of automating many tasks previously undertaken by humans, as well as being able to process information much more rapidly than human beings can.
As with any new technology, there is a wide variety of uses and applications for these tools. Many of these applications are still relatively theoretical, even though many have already been developed. Some of these applications are already used commercially, but the ones that remain in research labs or development projects are mainly experimental.
One of the most common applications of this technology is in the area of intelligence. Cognitive computing tools may be used to build a computer program that can predict or even predict a person’s future actions based on past patterns of behavior. This is a relatively simple type of software program that can be used by the government to predict terrorist threats or even predict an individual’s behavior based on behavioral observations. The software is often developed using psychological studies or research into how the brain functions in real life.
Data mining is another use of this technology, in which an automated search tool can be used to sift through large volumes of unstructured data, such as medical records or police reports. Data mining is usually done by researchers who already have vast amounts of data on hand, but it may also be used by companies to find trends among large data sets. This type of search requires a high degree of technical skill, but it can provide a valuable resource for companies looking to improve their products or services.
Predictive dialers, as well as predictive email systems, have been in use for years, but these systems were primarily used by telemarketers and marketing firms. Now, however, these programs have been used to help individuals to get free telephone service. Although the use of predictive dialers is limited by the fact that they cannot dial a call back number for you, predictive email systems can be used to send emails right to people’s email inboxes so that they are automatically dialed.
Cognitive computing can be applied in many other ways, as well. For example, some systems can predict that email messages will be opened by a person, whether those messages are read or not. This can help email marketers to determine what messages will be important to a person, and what messages need to be removed from their inboxes. This can help companies to tailor the content of their emails to individuals in order to provide more useful information to potential customers.
Most applications of cognitive computing are very specific and require a highly specialized knowledge of the topic in question. While they do not require any specialized programming skills, they are still complex. One good example is the research done on autism and self-driving cars. This research has given rise to software programs that can analyze the behavior of drivers to determine if they are likely to be good candidates for autonomous vehicles.
Cognitive computing is not a new concept. It was first introduced in the 1980s by Stanford professor John McCarthy. In his book Mindset, McCarthy laid out a detailed outline of the benefits and drawbacks of traditional methods of mental computing. Much of the information in the book has since been validated, and its basic premise is still widely accepted.
Instead of using the traditional method of using numbers and letters in addition and subtraction, McCarthy’s program requires people to use only the words and concepts they already have in mind. The system then applies these concepts to each word, creating a new thought by combining them with the old one. This process results in an instant, accurate answer, but it takes the user a great deal of mental effort. Even after a person has found an answer through this process, it may take several tries before they are actually able to come up with a logical, coherent answer.
A company might come across a new idea for a product, or service, and decide to test the concept themselves before having it developed into a product. When the new ideas are tested, cognitive software programs are used to help determine if the ideas can actually be used.
Another use of this type of computing is to help determine which advertisements should be broadcast in a company’s products. Although no one needs to know how advertising works to be successful, it can help to make sure that the ads are not sending out misleading messages. Cognitive computing is particularly effective at identifying messages that may not be valid, such as promotional offers to buy more product than one customer can handle.