Lucy Hurst- Managing Director- Sherbet Donkey Media
As the world moves into an increasingly digital era, we have been seeing more and more businesses turning to user friendly websites, SEO, and PR to raise brand awareness. It is important during this time that any business that is looking for any kind of longevity, keeps up with these digital trends as it does not seem to be going anywhere.
Digital during the Pre-pandemic era
If you cast your mind back to before we knew anything about COVID-19, say early 2019, the world was becoming increasingly digital. Almost everyone had a smart phone in their pocket which meant that they could easily check for anything they wanted wherever they were, and they could and would search for anything on a whim. This included products and services that businesses were offering and, especially, [search term] near me.
Pandemic Lockdowns and their effect on the digital marketplace
When COVID-19 hit, it forced countries into lockdowns. People were restricted to their homes for the majority of the day.
As such,we saw a mixture of how businesses responded. Some decided to delay any online marketing they had planned while they weathered the unknown. Other businesses looked to increase their social media presence only. Finally, some businesses decided to really step up their use of online presence.
The general public were using their smartphones to stay connected with one another, they shared the latest news, and used their phones to search for anything so it made sense for businesses to also share their news.
Handymen and landscapers etc. saw a rise in business as people seized the opportunity while being home all day, to get their house in complete order, with a little help from relevant professionals. These businesses were found, the majority of the time, either via word of mouth, by social media platforms, or companies with a strong online presence. It was the businesses that had pulled back on marketing that really suffered, their market was still there. They just were failing to tap into it as they had gone into panic mode rather than pivoting.
The Post Pandemic digital era
Since the pandemic, there has continued to be a rise in businesses realising that they need a professional online presence. Businesses continue to use websites as a form of validation and/ or even to make it easier for their target audience to purchases goods.
This is all because users continue to do as much as possible in resourcing goods or services online. Rarely does a user even want to have to pick up the phone if they are able to book or purchase online instead. Even Google has responded to this user behaviour by updating its algorithms to score user friendly websites higher. This includes, especially, websites that are optimised for devices such as mobiles.
There also needs to be apt content and backlinks on the website as over 90% of users will change their search term rather than scrolling onto page 2 of Google. This really reinforces the need for websites to be easily found and the importance of SEO.
The Future of Digital Marketing
With economic uncertainty looming, and the prospect that we’re now entering a recession, businesses seem to be behaving in a somewhat similar manner to when COViD-19 forced everyone into lockdowns. They are either pulling all funding from their marketing budget or those who will see their marketing as an investment and a source of sales, which in any business are king. The latter option is the one that we obviously recommend, in this climate, so that you can become an established authority within in your field.
We appreciate that when it is laid out in black and white like this it is easier to see our point of view and that putting this advice into practice can be gut wrenching however, it might help if you take a look at what other successful companies are doing.
While other companies are losing their footing in the market, this is the ideal time to establish yours. When this time of economic uncertainty passes, it will be hard for anyone else to see you become unfooted as long as you maintain your digital marketing strategy.
Going forward, we anticipate that we will continue to see the trends that we’ve been seeing continue in the same manner.We are seeing more and more effective businesses seeking a professional and visible store front in the online marketplace, which is becoming more and more popular among, both, consumers and vendors and page one of Google being prime real estate.