Andrew Trotman, CEO and Founder, KOMI Group, the award-winning social media marketing, talent and content licensing agency who, as well as providing exceptional service to clients, own its own social media brands such as It’s Gone Viral.

Social media presents us with a huge opportunity to get any brand in front of lots of eyeballs in a way that other methods of outreach just can’t compete. Some brands are doing it very well and others poorly.   

In the ten years or so since social media has been a significant part of people’s day-to-day lives, brands have been developing new and innovative ways to reach their audiences through this channel. 

At one point, the question was, do we need to be on social media? Now the question is, ‘how much of our budget, marketing strategy and time do we need to allocate to social media?’ and ‘Which platforms are right for us?’

And it’s the brands that have embraced these channels as a crucial part of their communications strategy to reach audiences that have done/do well. 

Highway or destination?

So, for brands that know how great social media can be for them, the next thing they need to look at is content and platform choice, which go hand in hand. There are two key ways that social content needs to be considered:

On channels like Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, users are scrolling fast and not looking to find anything in particular. The greatest aim for brands here is to grab their attention in the first 5 seconds. This is what I call highway content. 

But YouTube for example, is a destination platform and users sit and engage for far longer periods of time. 

So, businesses need to look at where their audience is (and therefore how they interact with their social platform of choice), what their budget is and then plan for which platforms will be right for them. 

With all this said, and if I had to answer where you will get most bang for your buck then I would say it’s TikTok at the moment. It’s newer and isn’t saturated with adverts, so content is going viral quicker and you can arguably reach more people versus adverts. 

Creativity has no limits on social, but let’s remember who is watching

The great thing about social media is that the opportunity for creativity has no limits and we’re seeing some really exciting content from creators breaking through. The challenge for brands is to harness this creativity and use it to raise awareness and build a loyal following, something we at KOMI specialise in doing. 

Take Aldi for example, it’s difficult to escape their humorous and often satirical content across their channels. What they’ve succeeded in doing is building a huge loyal following through being playful and fun. They’re not afraid to call other brands out and they’re creating content for their audience, not for themselves. Their content isn’t entirely about their products, they create content to leave a lasting and humorous impression on their followers.

To summarise my point, for businesses looking to maximise the impact of their content and social channels whilst keeping creativity at the forefront, I would say…

  • Make content for your audience and not for yourself and what you think looks good. This will strengthen brand loyalty with your audience. It doesn’t have to be about you, make it about them!
  • Embrace results over vanity. Look into the underlying metrics of a campaign. They will tell you what is working for your audience. Double down on what is working and scratch what isn’t.
  • Don’t be frightened to try things. Once you interact with a company on social media, you’re 60%-70% more likely to affect you’re buying habits. What works best for your audience

Potential pitfalls

Social media is an ever-expanding world. Hands up who is a victim of ‘shiny things syndrome’? When new platforms break through, it’s easy to be distracted by them, to jump on them and see if you can make an impact. 

The big danger with this though is spreading yourself too thin. Being on each platform because you think you should be and then simply replicating your content across all channels will not be very effective and probably a waste of resource. Don’t wash the same creative across all social platforms (or even other media platforms, which I have also seen), – reach out to the likes of KOMI who can help elevate your core content to fit perfectly with your social platforms of choice, or can even make you bespoke content and strategy

What’s next for social? What is the next shiny thing?

BeReal has made a real impact on the social platform space this year. A platform still in its infancy but already proving to have a genuine impact on the market and fast gaining in popularity, at speed and scale. It has the potential and opportunity to sit beside the social platform elite and time will tell if it succeeds.

So, are businesses using social media in the best way to develop their brand? The short answer is, some are! I would love to see more brands getting creative with building their message through social media and gaining brand loyalty. There will always be examples of those doing it well, and those doing it poorly. Keep your audience at the centre of your strategy and you’ll be 100% on the right track.